Welcome to the official website of the NutriNet-Santé Study

This website presents scientific information about the NutriNet-Santé Study.

This website is developed for scientists, healthcare professionals and specialists interested to have access to scientific data on methodology, protocol, specific tools and evolution of the NutriNet-Santé Study.

Logo NutriNet-Santé

Press conference

Accéder aux conférences de presse données par l'équipe de l'étude Nutrinet-Santé

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Nutrinet in the media

Accéder aux médias concernant l'étude Nutrinet-Santé

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Accéder aux questionnaires de l'étude Nutrinet-santé

Accéder aux questionnaires
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Register for the study

Volunteers wishing to participate in the study will find all the useful information by logging onto the study site : https://etude-nutrinet-sante.fr